Well worth the wait, mate. I just love the massive leap in quality seeing the combination of 2D & 3D animation, especially the Paper Princess. I also love my performance as The Scientist,even with adlibbed "3-eyes?" part. The music and visuals were great and I enjoyed the credits sequence. Its really amazing how much effort and how many people got involved. Great job to all of them, pats on the back for all.
Also thank you very much for the shoutout at the end. I am getting involved in some big projects i'm voicing for. I'm going to be in an indie videogame called 'Glyde the Dragon' and you can find a wishlist page for it on Steam! I'm also going to be voicing for a theme park ride in the U.S called 'Kooky Trails'. I'm not actually part of the main ride just one of the pre-shows but it is something.
So excellent job mate and have a wonderful christmas and a happy new year.